Books to learning algorithms and data structures
There are a lot of books available on algorithms and data structures. It is difficult to choose and focus on just one. This is what Barry Schwartz call the ‘paradox of choice’. Therefore, some books have stood the test of time, and I recommend just three.
The first is the Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas Cormen. This book is focuses on the mathematical properties of algorithms, their efficiency and uses pseudocode.
The second is Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick. He developed various data structures, such as red-black trees, ternary search trees, and developed the field of mathematics know as analytic combinatorics. In his PhD Thesis, Sedgewick worked on development of the QuickSort Algorithm. His book uses Java as the programming language.
And the last book is Cracking Programming Interviews By Gayle MacDowell. In this book has a lot of information on techinical interviews, incluing commom problems and their solutions. This book uses Java as programming language.
References #
Cormen, Thomas H., et al. Introduction to algorithms. MIT press, 2022.
McDowell, Gayle Laakmann. “Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 programming questions and solutions 6th Ed.
Sedgewick, Robert, and Kevin Wayne. Algorithms. Addison-wesley professional, 2011.